Way Finding Signage
Identification Signs
As the name implies, identification signs identify where the reader is, and point out specific landmarks or structures. Wayfinding signage do not provide directions; instead, they may serve as a kind of “you are here” designation or let users know when they’ve arrived at a destination
How can you use identification signs around your facility?
Post signs, using text and images, that identify restrooms, breakrooms, conference rooms, and other common destinations around a facility
Include “You are here” designations on maps at entryways, where users may first encounter and use your wayfinding system
Identify entries and exits, and alert users when they enter new areas or buildings within a facility
Directional Signs
Directional signs are what most people imagine when they think of wayfinding. These signs are a type of wayfinding signage which keep people moving toward their final destination. Directional signs typically appear at junctions or anywhere someone might look for directions.
Directional signs may be used at several locations throughout your facility:
Post signs at entries to help visitors find reception desks, offices, loading docks, and other common destinations
Post signs in elevator lobbies, letting users know which locations can be found on a specific floor
Display overhead signs at junctions where users may need directions
Informational Signs
Informational signs are less about moving toward a destination than supplementing the trip with useful information along the way. For instance, highway signs may alert drivers when they’re entering a construction zone, or warn of upcoming congestion. In both instances, drivers can take that information into account and make or change plans accordingly.
Regulatory Signs
Regulatory signs inform users of regulations and requirements that are in place. Most drivers will recognize speed limit signs and “No Parking” notices as regulatory signs.
So, contact us as we provide different style of wayfinding signage design and also provide other customized signage.